Our Way Self Advocacy ‘Our Stories about Keeping Safe’ Project

Our Way Self Advocacy received a grant from WCF’s Inclusive Communities Fund for their  ‘Our Stories about Keeping Safe’ project.

WCF partnered with West Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner supporting grassroots organisations across Worcestershire, particularly amongst minority and vulnerable groups, by supporting innovative projects to create safer and more confident communities, develop community cohesion, or address early-stage crime prevention and, which had long-term impact.

Our Way Self Advocacy aims to enable and promote the confidence and knowledge of young people with learning disabilities and autism to develop their own advocacy skills. They run various projects, sessions, clubs and groups, support people with housing needs and run trips and walks and training courses.

The aim of charity’s project was to hold focus group sessions with their members about Hate and Mate Crime and then to collect their real life experiences into a booklet for other vulnerable people to use. The booklet produced also explains what constitutes a victim of hate and mate crime and provides information about who they can talk to and where they can go for help and support.

One example of a member’s experience demonstrates the real need for this awareness.  ‘A gentleman made a female friend online. She wanted to meet, which he was happy and wanted to do. However, she started asking him to send her money. He felt uncomfortable doing this and wasn’t sure how, so asked Our Way Self Advocacy if they could help. They spoke to him about the relationship and explained the dangers of this. They discovered the person was based abroad and supported him in reporting it and blocking her from further contact.’

Members of the focus group sessions said:

“I’m really proud of the booklet I’ve helped make, and it’s made something that was very upsetting at the time feel a bit better, as now I might have helped someone else ask for help if they need it.”

 “I’m really proud of how far I’ve come with my relationship with the Police, as I never thought I would have achieved what I have.”

Our Way Advocacy Manager, Cat Bennett said:

“Our members have got a lot out of the project and we have already seen changes in people’s openness to Hate and Mate Crime. This project has supported the building and maintaining of partnerships with both the Police and Victim Support.”

Request a copy of the booklet by contacting: [email protected].

To learn more about Our Way Self Advocacy go to Ourway.org.uk.

For more information about the Inclusive Communities Fund go to https://www.worcscf.org.uk/grants/inclusivecommunitiesfund/

If you would like further information about WCF contact: Lucy Wells, Director [email protected].

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