ASPIE’s High Sheriff Grant

ASPIE was one of the groups awarded a WCF High Sheriff grant at the end of Louise Hewett’s shrieval year. The grant of £5,000 was used to cover three months’ rent (February, March and April 2024) at their centre in Worcester.

The organisation provides a safe haven where Asperger/autistic adults can be themselves and find acceptance, friendship and support. Belonging to the group enables them to increase their self-worth and confidence, reduce their isolation, anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidal tendencies so they can achieve social inclusion, education and employment opportunities.

To illustrate just how important this safe haven is one member of the organisation said

I was at the end of the road, and was regularly suicidal. If ASPIE hadn’t been there for me  I may never have got the help and support I need and I might still be back in the place before I started coming (or I might be dead). It has been a lifeline to me and I think many other people for the great work it does for autistic adults.

ASPIE trustee, Julia Micklewright BEM says

Services for people with autism and their families are scant and the demand for what we offer is increasing.  Adults on the spectrum crave routine and predictability which is why it is vital that ASPIE, ‘unique in concept and design’, continues to provide a friendly, safe and permanent centre for all those who depend on us. Your grant has helped us to provide this security for 3 months.

Julia reports that one young man, isolated, with no friends, contacted them in desperation. Initially, he could only cope with counselling, too introverted to engage with other members. Gradually, he got used to them and his confidence increased. He joined the Games Group and now has a circle of friends. ASPIE helped him into volunteering with an organisation in line with his special interest and he has just recently successfully gained employment.

To see information about the High Sheriff Fund in this shrieval year go to:

For more information on the current High Sheriff go to:

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