Other Worcestershire Funders
See below for details of other funders providing support to charities and community groups in Worcestershire.
- Alvechurch Educational Trust http://www.alvechurchgst.org.uk
- Baron Davenport’s Charity http://www.barondavenportscharity.org
- The Bransford Trust https://www.bransfordtrust.org/
- The Broadway Trust http://broadwaytrust.org.uk
- The Duckworth Worcestershire Trust http://www.dwt.org.uk
- The Elmley Foundation http://www.elmley.org.uk
- The Eveson Trust https://www.eveson.org.uk
- The Grimley Charity
- The Harry Payne Fund https://www.heartofenglandcf.co.uk/harry-payne-fund/
- John Martin’s Charity http://www.johnmartins.org.uk
- John Weston Stretton of Kidderminster Charity http://www.johnwestonstretton.co.uk/
- Laslett’s (Hinton) Charity http://www.lasletts.org.uk
- Malvern Hills District Council https://www.malvernhills.gov.uk/business/grants-and-funding
- Margaret Westwood Memorial Charity
- Marshaleen Charitable Trust
- The Roger & Douglas Turner Charitable Trust http://www.turnertrust.co.uk
- The Rowlands Trust https://therowlandstrust.org.uk/
- Worcester City Council https://www.worcester.gov.uk/community-centres-development/worcester-small-community-grants
- Worcestershire County Council https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/site-search?search_api_fulltext=grants
- Worcester Municipal Charities http://www.wmcharities.org.uk
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