
Royal Visit

Worcestershire Community Foundation welcomed a visit from The Earl of Wessex on Thursday 27th May, as part of a thank you on behalf of the Palace, recognising the vital role of community projects which had taken place across the county during the pandemic.
During the visit which was kindly hosted by the Royal Porcelain Works in Worcester, His Royal Highness met and held conversations with representatives from 20 local community groups which have delivered a range of crucial services to local people during lockdown.

Chair of Worcestershire Community Foundation David Shaw commented:
‘ It was a fantastic day and WCF was very proud to be able to invite some of the local community groups that the Foundation has been able to fund during the past year. The Earl’s enthusiasm and the interest he showed in each and every project was very uplifting. Without the ceaseless work, dedication and care of the organisations he met and many more across the County, Worcestershire communities would have faced even more hardship and challenges during Covid”.
Head of Bransford Trust and the Royal Porcelain Works, Colin Kinnear said: ‘We were very pleased to be able to offer the use of the newly refurbished part of the Royal Porcelain Works for such a grand occasion. Those attending fully deserved this tribute for their efforts over the very difficult covid period.’

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